Our First Anniversary!

As our friends and family know, February 14th is our one year anniversary.
Being the sentimental fools that we are, we will be taking the same cruise,
the same boat, the same cabin as we did last year for our wedding.
We leave February 12 (Sunday), so as you can imagine today is a hectic mess of errands, packing and finishing up loose ends to prepare for the vacation.
We’ll post plenty of pictures as we can, check back.
And finally… a personal note from me…
A year ago, my life was changed in a profound way. I married the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met, both inside and out. Since we met, a little over five years ago, we have had an amazing journey. Our first year of marriage has been one of growth, understanding and bringing two very different families together as one.
It has been a very rewarding time, also bringing us both Penelope and Jayden, our newest Grandchildren… bringing me closer to Arianna and Allessandra, my other Grandchildren, and endearing into my heart my inherited Grandchildren, Sabrina and Scarlette. All of them have enriched our lives beyond what we could have ever imagined.
Now that our first year is coming to an end, as we begin our second, we are now beginning to plan for our future. Big things are coming and we’re very excited. We are looking to purchase a home together, and I am beginning to ease into retirement, and putting my daily four hour commute of 4 hours each day to bed, after thirty years….
I will be designing web sites, and managing our two other businesses from our new home, and Anna will contimue to grow with Kaiser. Great things are coming in 2017!!!! Stay tuned.
All in all, thank you everyone for your love, support and well wishes to us. Bon Voyage!