The Best Man Surfaces….

There really was no other option when it came to best man.
Steve Seiberlich has been an important figure in my life since 1977. (Jesus, that’s 38 years!!!!)
I met Steve in Junior High School – We were inseparable. If ever I had to consider someone a brother, it would be him. He even saved my life at one point in time, but that’s a story for another day….
Steve and I had not seen each other for a few years, and it just so happened that he was in town (my town) for the NAMM convention on the day we happened to get engaged, January 24, 2015. We met up at a local watering hole, Me and Annamarie, he and his daughter, and closed the joint proper. Ha! He’s one of the few people in my life that I can not see for years, and pick up exactly where we left off. Debauchery ensued!
In any case, this is the guy that will stand up with me on this very important day, and I think we’re both pretty excited about it! The real question is.. will our other guests be ready for it? You’ve been warned. Ha!